Reading Exercises Japanese. Polyglots who speak ten or more languages all recommend this, indeed multilingualist Steve Kaufmann's Linq platform is based almost wholly… Treat these pages only as a reading practice and not as a lesson to learn Japanese You can totally ignore the meaning. TangoRisto contains current news on a variety of topics that are sourced from NHK, Engadget Japan Edition, Gizmodo Japan and more.

Short reading exercises with comprehension questions, listening activities, grammar questions on various topics including: travel, at home, automobiles and transportation, the body and health, life and careers. corresponding exercise or at the end of the corresponding chapter.
The exercises provided here are for use with Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese textbooks (Second Edition) and are meant to help you practice what you have learned in each lesson.
Remember to not get too caught up in the unavoidable inconsistencies of romaji. Review vocabulary and export to Anki/SRS. However, I see no point in using novels to practice Japanese if it isn't fun.
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