Parallelism In Writing Worksheets. Eric Foreman decorates the Christmas tree, picks up his grandma from the nursing home, and friends are invited over for dinner. This two-page worksheet effectively works on that skill by providing an explanation and examples of parallelism for both lists and contrasts, followed by tasks for both requiring students to modify grammatical structures within sentences in order to achieve parallelism.

Parallel Structure Your writing will be clearer if the ideas within each sentence are written in a similar way.
My grandfather's favorite pastime is to eat in trendy restaurants and visiting art.
Parallel structure adds both clout and clarity to your writing. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Parallelism practice rewrite these incorrect sentences in, Parallel structure practice, Parallelism, Parallelism exercises, Grammar work parallelism including correlative, Answer key and tips parallelism including correlative, Parallelism, Parallelism grammar exercises with answers. Cross it out, and thensubstitute it with an item that is parallel with the rest of the group.
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