Ereading Worksheets Context Clues. Ereading Worksheets provides teachers, parents, and motivated students with high-quality reading worksheets, activities, and resources aligned with Common Core State Standards. Students determine each words meaning based on context and then explain their answers.
Skill in using context clues enables a reader to comprehend advance texts. Students learn hundreds of challenging vocabulary words while playing a fun climbing game. These worksheets focus on vocabulary that is part of that curriculum.
The resources on this website cover a broad range of reading.
Discover learning games, guided lessons, and other interactive activities for children.
This website uses a skill focused approach, where each activity targets a specific set of skills. This website uses a skill focused approach where each activity targets a specific skill set, but you can also browse the reading worksheets by grade level. Directions: read each sentence and determine the meaning of the word using cross sentence clues or your prior knowledge.
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